
Home Schooling

When Barry and I just got married and talked about potentially home schooling when we have kids, I was not too keen on the idea and believed that my kids will go to school just like all others. Now that we have kids and I see what public schools have to offer, I am singing a completely different tune and thinking that I will home school for as long as I can. Many disagree that home schooling is a smart choice, but every parent makes the final decision what is best for their child and for mine it will be home schooling, with possibly private school down the road. I have been working with Bella on colors, letters, animals, numbers and so much more since pretty much her birth. To me it’s nothing special, I just make sure to tell her what things are at all times and get her involved in coloring, painting, puzzles and other various fun projects. She learns very fast, so I constantly have to make sure to give her new information, otherwise she gets bored easily. She just turned two a couple of months ago and I feel like I got my work cut out for me. The years are flying by, I just have to make sure I can keep up and offer as much as I can to keep her interested. With that said, I have been laying out themes and looking for a good curriculum that will be interesting and interactive. I will keep each theme for a week and try to create as many activities and learning tools as possible to help her remember what she learned. Our theme for next week is “ocean life” which means we will learn about the ocean and all that lives in the ocean including corals and a variety of fish. I can’t wait!

All about color red 😉
Fun couting and matching activity
Learning lower case letters (using dots)
Painting stars
Playing with her animals
Caterpillar week
Final product- Bella's hands
More caterpillar projects
Fun activity with marbles
Fun time!

One reply on “Home Schooling”

Stay strong, P! Three jobs ahead of you – Mom, Bella’s Teacher and Joshy’s Teacher. It’s a great cause and hope you persevere despite the difficulty.

And then there is always the public school alternative. We all went to public schools and turned up OK, no? Or am I wrong :)?

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