I finally said goodbye to my job at the DA’s office and said “hello” to my new part time job, watching Alyssa, our neighbor’s daughter who is 12 months old. It felt absolutely wonderful to leave a job that would force me to be away from my precious daughter and even though this new job is 10 times harder it is worth it to see my daughter’s face every day. Before I started watching Alyssa, her mom asked me how much I would charge and at the time I have not given it much thought, so I decided to do a little research and see what people usually charge to watch other people’s kids. I was shocked, the average charge is $5-$10 per hour, I thought to myself, what in the world? I still do not quiet comprehend why it is so little, when truly it is one of the most difficult jobs out there but it is the truth.
At first it was overwhelming to have another child running around the house, making sure she does not get into anything like plugs and toilets and etc. She is definitely a busy girl, so I’ll have my hands full twice a week 🙂 Bella and Alyssa played nicely, shared toys and tried to share binkies but mommy said no, I bet someone else’s always tastes better 😉 At the end of the day I felt much more tired than usual, but it was rewarding to play with two cute girls, especially to see two different stages of live, 4 months vs. 12. Below you will find a picture of Alyssa and Bella 🙂