
Projects, projects, projects…

What joy it has been to watch my precious daughter learn and being able to teach her all that I can.  She is absolutely amazing at memorizing and has been practicing reading, writing and just having fun.  She asks me every day for projects and sometimes I feel overwhelmed with all that I want to do with her and choosing is quite a task for me.  I am beginning to separate all of the activities into subjects and categories and plan ahead.  She definitely enjoys every bit of what we have been doing so far and it has been a lot.  Instead of writing what she has been working on, you can see for yourself.  Joshy is also stepping in, with tiny steps, but he has had a few projects himself 🙂   I am one proud mama of a 2 ½ year old and 8 months old 🙂 Great job my babies!

Learning letter “N”
She did fantastic!
Matching project 🙂
Numbers, numbers, numbers…
Fall wreath 🙂 All by Isabella 🙂
Learning to use glue and counting, she did great!
Letter “S”
More matching…
More of letter “S”
Counting and glueing ladybugs
One of my favorite projects, we used finger paints here.
She loves doing projects with paper plates 🙂
Learning seasons and making kite collage. She loved it
Caterpillar 🙂
This was very colorful and fun, letter “L”
Doodling on the “moon” 🙂
Bella, just being creative 🙂
Just a tip of the ice berg 😉
One of Joshy’s projects 🙂
Love that face!


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