
Our Christmas Tree- 2012

Let me tell you, this year unlike any other, picking out and decorating our tree felt unorganized, unpredictable and just somehow chaotic. You would think two kids can not make that much difference, yes they can. I am not complaining in any way, just stating the fact that it was different. It was Joshy’s first experience picking out a tree with the family, but then I don’t think he quite understood what was happening until we brought it home and as soon as he saw it, a huge smile appeared on his little precious face. Bella was a lot more fun to decorate with as she understood how everything was working and what went where. They both love having the tree and boo goes to turn it on every morning πŸ™‚ It’s definitely a beauty and we are yet to sit down and have Hot Chocolate by it. Hopefully very soon, we will find time and do that. I love Christmas season!

We found our beauty πŸ™‚
The whole fam πŸ™‚
This is how we brought it home πŸ™‚
My handsome man πŸ™‚
Uncle Bobby is playing with his nephew and niece πŸ™‚
Tiny santa πŸ˜‰
Day 2, still decorating LOL
Smile πŸ™‚
My Christmas present! πŸ™‚
Our tree πŸ™‚
One of my very favorite pictures πŸ™‚
“What are we supposed to do”? πŸ™‚
Oh how I love her!
JOY oh JOY!!!
Yep, I love to stand πŸ™‚
My precious girl πŸ™‚

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