
Mother’s Day

May 09, 2010

One of the biggest highlights this May was my first Mother’s Day.  It almost seemed unreal to be celebrated as a mother, but I had one of the most wonderful days.  My dear husband and Bella surprised me with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers, wonderful card, a washed car, lovely bike ride and a lot of help around the house.  Being a mother is a very special gift from God and I feel abundantly blessed to have received such a gift.  As difficult as this job is, it is the MOST rewarding.  I never imagined such love until I met face to face with my precious girl.  To all mothers that will be reading this post, I hope you had a fantastic day where you felt loved and appreciated and not just on Mother’s Day, but hopefully every day.  God has blessed me with the most extraordinary mom that has become my best friend with years, who I can go to with my sorrows, joys, questions and of course recipes.  I believe my mom is the most giving, loving, kind and the best chef I know.  She has taught me everything about being a mom and the reason I am the type of mom today is because of my dear mom.  Thank you Mamysik, I will be forever grateful.

My gift from God
My first Mother's Day bouquet from my dear husband and precious daughter

One reply on “Mother’s Day”

Helen, you are such a great mom. It is so fun to see you in action with your precious Bella. Love you both!

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