
Saying Goodbye…

Our little family has always been in one place, so saying goodbye to my precious brother was a very difficult task to overcome. He has been planning on changing his career for a while now and we all knew that at one point he and Lilya will go on and establish elsewhere, but once it becomes reality, it hits you hard. All I want to leave here, is that I am beyond proud of my lil’ brother (even though he is older, I still refer to him as my lil’ brother) who has accomplished very much in his young life. God has guided him and equipped him with tremendous amount of patience and perseverance and it truly showed once it was time to go. I pray that God will make his new journey exciting, new and challenging, that he can always look back and appreciate how far He has taken him. Uncle β€œO” we all love you and are behind you 100% of the way. Hugs and kisses!

Yummy dinner πŸ™‚

Sweet moments

Mama’s love πŸ™‚

Papa’s love πŸ™‚

Faces speak for themselves. I love these people!!!

What a precious image. I heart them!!!

The reality can not be more real…

All set to go…

I had to squeeze into one πŸ˜‰

…and off he goes. XOXO

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