
Classical Conversations- New and Bright Beginnings

By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; And by knowledge the rooms are filled, with all precious and pleasant riches. Proverbs 24:3-4 (NASB)

It’s back to school time for my little love. We started our new journey, with Classical Conversations, a strong Christian homeschooling community. The program offers an amazing variety of studies and keeps little minds sharp. We are all very excited to embark this new form of studying and Bella is beyond overjoyed to go to her classes on weekly basis. There is something about having your child pledge allegiance to the flag and to the Bible or reciting verses with ease. There is nothing more valuable in life than having scriptures memorized to walk and guide you through this difficult life. This year, she will memorize an entire chapter of John 1, not only in English but also in Latin. She will know every state and capitol of the United States and be able to draw a full map with states and capitols by memory, all of the presidents, counting in 2’s through 15’s, human anatomy, Latin, English grammar and History from Age of Ancient Empires to Rising Tide of Freedom, science (anything from four types of tissue to catastrophism, math formulas and etc. In just these short two weeks of studies, this little girl knows which bones make up the axial skeleton, counts in 2’s, 3’s and 4’s, has 8 Latin words behind her belt, knows what an “infinitive” and “a present participle” is, can tell you about the Pilgrims and Columbus, knows 14 historic facts and knows 10 states and their capitals and can easily point them out on the map. Yes, I am a proud parent and can not wait to help her learn, while refreshing and learning myself 🙂 God help us as we learn more about Him and challenge our minds by learning what He has given us on this earth. Grateful for such amazing opportunity for my loves.

August 26, 2014
First Day of School- Classical Conversations

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