
Our Isabella- Beautiful Creation

So many times, our precious daughter does something new, I tell myself, oh I need to write it down or oh I need to put it in the blog and then time slips away and my regrets start piling up.  Tonight, I decided to sit down and write some of the highlights from this month.  The biggest highlight for me personally is her saying “mama” for the first time,  I could not believe my ears and just wanted to jump for joy.  She has been saying daddy for a little while and I thought it was great and all, but hearing her say mama, just puts a smile on my face.  She likes to say it many times a day and when I leave for a little while and come back, that’s the first word she says and then asks for me to take her right away.  Oh how I love her.  She is currently 9 months and 19 days young and is full of curiosity and joy to be with.  Finger food has been discovered a few weeks ago and I am not talking about snacks, real food, such as chicken, cheese, corn and so on.  She loves eating with her fingers and it makes me so sad when she tries to put something inside her mouth and misses, but she never gives up, just keeps picking things up.  When Bella likes something very much, she claps, in fact clapping has been one of her favorite things to do, especially in the middle of the night, yes, not when parents feel like clapping very much 😉  The other day, she climbed two flights of stairs all on her own, Barry and I were absolutely blown away.  She is getting stronger and stronger each day, she walks with confidence as long as she is holding on to things, so I am thinking by 10 months our little peach will be walking, but I might be wrong.  One of the fun things have been listening to her talk and you would not believe the vocabulary this little girl has.  One of the first words was water, which was followed by ball, duck, Bella, Buddy, daddy, light, car and just recently mama.  Just a few days ago, her and I walked into our garage and she pointed her finger at our car and said “car” even pronouncing letter “r” I was absolutely blown away.  When asked to show where is the nose, she shows it on her toys, bears and dolls.  We are currently working on body part and colors.  She is grasping so fast, that sometimes we don’t realize how intelligent God created us to be.  Just think about human body and every single part that works, the mechanism is so complex…I just sit in awe of how amazing God is to create such creature.  Every time I think of what her future holds, I pray that God uses her in ways that He will find best for her and that He will help us raise her the way He wants her raised.  I can not even express the love I have for my little girl, just imagine how much our Father in Heaven loves us, just think how forgiving He is and the gift of His Son- oh how undeserving we are.   Every time I think about it, my eyes fill up with tears, He has blessed us so much and sometimes all we are is ungrateful, we get so wrapped up in day to day busyness that we forget what truly matters and it’s our Heavenly Father.  He is the reason we exist and function, it could be seconds and our life could come to an end, we need to praise Him and thank Him for every breath.  I thank God for our little girl every single day and for showing me what unconditional love really is.  Thank you precious Father!!!

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