
The BIG 30!

I meant to write this pretty much as soon as I turned 30, but as always short on time and did not make it a priority.  I feel like I have lost most of what I wanted to express in this post, so I will simply say what I want to say today.  I never in million years thought I would live this long;  some might say it’s a crazy thought, but when I was little, 30 seemed so old and unreal (I am laughing to myself as I write this).  Here I am, 30 years old and feeling very much the same as in my twenties.  It still seems like a big number, but I believe I only have great things to look forward to, there is still so much I would love to do in life and God willing I will have that chance.  My 30th birthday celebration was one of the best days and it is only because I was surrounded by my most favorite people- family!  I love, love, love my family!  They certainly made sure I felt special this year and I did beyond measures.  I loved every minute of that day.  My beautiful and talented mom cooked all of my favorite dishes, I was blown away!  My sweet dad spent half of his morning, making the best shishkobabs I have ever had, my great brother and Lilya showed up with a whole load of cherries, which were bought just for me 🙂  and of course my lovely husband and Bella were there to help with every little thing 🙂  The presents were above and beyond amazing- I simply feel blessed and loved by God like no other.  Turning 30 made me think of all that I have accomplished so far and at times it does not seem like much, but then I look back and evaluate what is truly important to me and it seems like I am right where I would want to be.  I have the best husband and daughter, the best parents and brother, a beautiful home, a dog and of course the ability to stay home with my darling Bella.  A true gift from God!  I would not change a thing and God knows exactly where I am.  Let the fun 30’s begin 🙂

Yummyyy!!!! Thank you Papi!!!
My love!
The most delicious cake! Thank you mamysya!!!
Just made a wish, it was one of the hardest things I had to do- there were way too many 😉
My precious gift from God, oh how I love her!

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